A small home in Höganäs, Sweden whose sized dictated by available budget. Designed by Dinell Johansson. Photos by Antonius van Arkel.
A small home in Höganäs, Sweden whose sized dictated by available budget. Designed by Dinell Johansson. Photos by Antonius van Arkel.
Really, really find the site interesting. I have been following the Tiny Home and containers sites for a while and see this as another worth while offering. Thanks Dave
I don’t care for this much. It feels like an underground car park.
I love the small but spacious feeling! Excellent work!
Bare boned beauty – necessity and budget too it states. Unapologetic… it speaks candidly for affordable housing and ARCHITECTURE in big ways. Furnish it well and forms will follow function, its inhabitants and a sustainable HOME. Personally, I think it’s EXCELLENT as well!
Absolutely Beautiful..Each and every one of them…in it’s own unique way!!