We’d like to share some pictures of our small house … this was when it was first finished back in 2003. Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK. We built it as a weekend getaway from London but ended up living in it full time – downsizing from a very big house that we sold to start our business vintage vacations.co.uk We love living small…
A small and modern home in Ventor, Island of Wight, UK. Shared by Helen & Frazer Cunningham.
Lovely! The pics don’t look digital either… Nice.
Can we see a floor plan? How many square feet? Thanks. You have a lovely home!
Thank you for your kind words…. we will try and get a floor plan image to share. Architect Keith Cunningham (FB Keith Cunningham Architect)
I suspect this is the “Ventnor” house, not the “Ventor” house – extra “N”. If so, could we get the title and text corrected.
Great, love the modern look, but its hardly small – probably as spacious as the average UK bungalow….
Hi, Yes it is a lovely house, but it is in Ventnor not Ventor.
Jo Macaulay
Isle of Wight
What’s with the weird link to vacations.co.uk? A bit disingenuous, embedding that link behind the names of the owners. I was going to comment that it was nice to see a small house that wasn’t being hawked for vacation rental for a change. Oh well.
It says they live in the house. They sold their larger home to start their business which is the vacation link you mentioned.
“downsizing from a very big house that we sold to start our business vintage vacations.co.uk”
Where can I purchase house plans?
Beautiful, peaceful and clean design and implementation. Thank you for sharing. I know this is a trivial question, but where did you find the hanging rod for your clothes – the one that simply leans up against the wall? I have a place that could use this type of simple place to hang a few things. I do love all the natural wood you have used in your design.