A 300 square feet cottage built for $28,000 near Vancouver, Canada. Photos by Stuart Bish. Designed by Henry York Mann. More info. here.
A 300 square feet cottage built for $28,000 near Vancouver, Canada. Photos by Stuart Bish. Designed by Henry York Mann. More info. here.
Oh, I could so live there. I love the bath tub. That’s something I really want and hRdly see in the small places. Like to see it can be done.:)
I LOVE this one! I love that there’s enough storage for food and real things that people actually use daily. Like Shell, I love the full sized bathtub!
Really like the feel of this house and I love the price too.
Love this little house!!! Was surprised to see it is in Vancouver, as, I live in a suburb of Vancouver.
Love the thought of a smaller homes!!!
I could so live there, love it!
I’m so happy to see Quietude included in this roundup… one of my very most extra all-time favorite small houses. Henry York Mann is an amazing architect, and while most of his houses are bigger than this, all have a certain relationship with nature that would seem to make them so much more livable. This one in particular though, including the little but insanely practical 10×10 basement, is just awesome.
I really like the central basement idea. at least if it floods none of your house actually gets damaged.
This is an interesting house that makes good use of the topography to gain added functional space. More attention to a few of the beam connection details would have made this design even more special.