I really enjoy this site but the new advertising you are using makes it impossible to view on an android device. When the images finish loading the browser redirects to the ad page and I can’t see any of the content. The only way to avoid this is to stop the loading before it’s finished. Could you please consider a different advertiser?
I really enjoy this site but the new advertising you are using makes it impossible to view on an android device. When the images finish loading the browser redirects to the ad page and I can’t see any of the content. The only way to avoid this is to stop the loading before it’s finished. Could you please consider a different advertiser?
Liked it on THL and it fares well here in the gallery too!
Love the wooden walls but cannot stand grey! So much is grey these days and I just do not understand why.
Beautiful little home on the range!
Nice house, but where do the kids sleep?
Conroe Cabin. How much?